
Friday, October 17, 2008

Tips for plus size women

there are true description of the entire fashion industry when the average woman in any country wears a size 14. Good health and being excessively thin are not usually compatible. You can look very attractive without depriving yourself all the time. The answer lies in wearing the right garments for your body type and maintaining your self confidence.

Follow these simple rules to feel as elegant as a model every day! Clingy, heavy fabrics are out--they stick to the hips ungracefully instead of flowing the way clothes should. For a forgiving, versatile and amazingly flattering choice, try a wrap dress. This is a truly superb invention which is both stylish and comfortable.

If you feel that your arms are a problem area, you should avoid clothes with bubble sleeves. The combination of puffy excessive fabric and cinching elastic will only draw additional attention to that area where many women already feel tremendously self-conscious.

Follow the belt trend wisely. Belts have been all the rage this year, dressing up bland and formerly last season pieces with new flair. Stay away from overly gaudy pieces and pay special attention to the placement of the belt. If you're heavier in the midsection and thighs, the belt should go around the ribcage. Don't make the belt too tight either, it's not flattering and certainly not comfortable.

Choose the right high boots. High boots look great with dresses but if you're short and have a pear shaped figure make sure your boots have a heel. The added height lengthens the legs and makes you stand tall with style and elegance. Pair boots with an empire waist dress and you're set. The empire waist falls just above the natural waist making bottom heavy women look fabulous.

Choose a fabric with a subtle color, and ignore the common misconception that black is the only color that looks slimming. This has gone by the wayside, replaced by understatement. The key is to avoid obnoxious and unflattering prints and horizontal stripes. Instead try inviting and warm colors such as rusts, browns, and greens.

The most important thing to remember is to own your style. Choose dresses that make you look as great as you feel and you can float from work, out to dinner or even to cocktail party with a few choice pieces.

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